Aubrey Marcus
Founder of Onnit, philosopher, and podcast host
Episode #20 Decoding Lord Of The Rings: A Revelatory Exploration w/ Dr. Marc Gafni #466Was Lord of the Rings just a story or was it a prophesy? What does it have to tell us about our c...2024-06-1219:57:13
Episode #19 An Inspired Return To Truth & Value In An Upside-Down Culture w/ Green Beret Nick Freitas # 467Could our biggest enemy actually be embedded in our culture? What happened to truth, value, fath...2024-06-2616:52:08
Episode #18 The Blueprint For Business Success (without hacks) w/ Clay Hebert #468Marketing guru Clay Hebert doesn’t pull his punches in sharing his wisdom on what is real, and wh...2024-07-0214:57:10
Episode #17 The Frontier Of Revolutionary Medicine w/ Dr. Dan Stickler #469Dr. Dan Stickler MD is on the bleeding edge frontier of medicine that is poised to transform our ...2024-07-1014:00:00
Episode #16 The Astounding Mysteries Of The Self & Universe | Physicist Nassim Haramein#470Nassim Haramein, with over 35 years of research, seeks to unravel the universe's mysteries throug...2024-09-2519:03:21
Episode #15 The Secret Science of Angels, Crystals, Colors, and Metals with Dr. Robert Gilbert #471Dr. Robert Gilbert is like a living library of Alexandria. He has synthesized the best of Western...2024-10-0216:04:43
Episode #14 The Secret To Using Oracle Cards To Unlock Your Creative Potential w/ Kim Krans #472How can you give the Mystery a chance to help guide your life? Kim Krans is the quintessential ar...2024-10-0917:21:20
Episode #13 The Spiritual Wisdom From Remembering Past Lives w/ Matias De Stefano #473In a live podcast at Fit For Service, Aubrey Marcus and Matias De Stefano engage in a deep, thoug...2024-10-1623:00:32
Episode #12 Revolutionary Codes For The Future of Relationships w/ Vylana & Marc Gafni #474How many relationships do you know that are truly inspiring? For many people my relationship with...2024-10-2317:16:20
Episode #11 This Mystic Catholic Priest KNOWS God! | Fr. Sean O’Laoire #475This is one of the most special conversations I have recorded in the dozen years I have been re...2024-10-3016:42:40